Tennessee Population 2013

tennessee-population-2013Tennessee Population 2013

The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Tennessee in 2013 was 6,456,243, which is ranked the 17th largest population in the United States. This estimate shows a 1.7% increase since the last census in 2010, also conducted by the United States Census Bureau. The population density of the state is 153.9 people per square mile, ranked the 21st largest density in the United States.

Tennessee Population Projection

The population of Tennessee is expected to reach 6.6 million people by the year 2015, which is an approximate 2.2% increase from the current population. By the year 2020, the population is expected to reach 6.86 million people, which is an approximate 6.3% increase from the current population. By the year 2025, the population is expected to reach 7.13 million people, which is an approximate 10.4% increase from the current population. By the year 2030, the population is expected to reach 7.397 million people, which is an approximate 14.6% from the current population.

Tennessee Land Mass

The state of Tennessee is approximately 440 miles long and 120 miles wide with a square area of 42,146 square miles, making it the 36th largest state in the country. Of the 42,146 square miles, only 926 square miles are covered by water. The highest point in the state of Tennessee is Clingman’s Dome, reaching 6,643 feet above sea level. The lowest point in the state is at the Mississippi River, which reaches 178 feet above sea level. The geographic center of Tennessee is located in Rutherford County, 5 miles northeast of Murfreesboro. Tennessee is bordered by eight states: Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina.

Tennessee is broken up into six distinct geographic land areas: Blue Ridge, Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region, Appalachian Plateau, the Highland Rim, the Nashville Basin, and the Gulf Coastal Plain. The Blue Ridge is in the eastern portion of the state and is mainly made up of mountains. The highest point in the state is the Blue Ridge. The Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region is to the west of the Blue Ridge and is made up fertile valleys and contains the Great Valley. To the west of this region is the Appalachian Plateau and it is covered with mountains, characterized by their flat tops. Lookout Mountain is in this part of the state and seven states can be seen from this mountain. The Highland Rim is to the west of the Appalachian Plateau. This area is just an elevated plain above the Nashville Basin, which is fertile farmland. Lastly, the Gulf Coastal Plain is to the west of the Highland Rim. This area makes up the majority of the state. This area is made up of many different types of terrain, ranging from hills, the Delta region, and flood plains.

Tennessee Demographics

Of the approximate 6.46 million people in the state of Tennessee, about 51.2% of the population is female, while 48.8% is male. Also, approximately 79% of the population identifies as white (including Hispanic or Latino). But, out of that 79%, about 4% do identify as Hispanic or Latino and the other 75% as Caucasian. Those that identify as Black or African American make up only 17% of the entire population of the state of Tennessee. The rest of the population is made up of those that identify as Asian, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, other Pacific Islanders, or those that identify as two or more races. These other races make up about 4% of the Tennessee population.

Nashville Tennessee City Guide

tennessee-population-2013-nashvilleTennessee Religion

The population of Tennessee identifies as religious at a rate slightly higher than the national average. About 56% of the state population identifies as religious, compared to the national average of 49%. Out of the 49%, about 33% identify as members of the Baptist Church, making it the largest denomination in the state of Tennessee. The next largest denomination in the state is the Methodist Church, making up about 7% of the population. All the other Christian denominations make up about 8.3% of the population. Those who identify as Jewish, Islamic, or Eastern religions only make up 0.7% of the population.

Other Resources

Take a look at the link for more information about the Tennessee Population.

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