San Antonio Population 2013

san-antonio-population-2013San Antonio Population 2013

The current population of the city of San Antonio, Texas is estimated to be about 1,382,951, which is an increase of about 1.7% from the last record of the population. The city is the second-most populous city in all of Texas and the seventh-most populous city in the entire country of the United States of America. Based on the total land area and the total population of the city, the population density of San Antonio is about 2,972 people per square mile.

Demographics of San Antonio

The median age among the population of the city of San Antonio is 34.1 years. There are also more females than males, even though the overall totals are almost equal. The largest demographic in the city is the Hispanic or Latino group, which makes up about 63% of the population, compared to only 27% that identify as solely white. The Black or African American population makes up about 7% of the population.

Religion in San Antonio

About 56% of the population of San Antonio identify with a religious affiliation, compared to the national average of 49%. The largest affiliation in the city is the Roman Catholic Church, which makes up about 31% of the population. The next largest affiliation is the Baptist Church, which makes up about 8% of the population. The city also has a Muslim population, which is larger than the average city or state. About 1.2% of the population is a Muslim, compared to the national average of 0.8%.

Sports in San Antonio

San Antonio only has two professional sports teams: San Antonio Spurs and the San Antonio Silver Stars. The San Antonio Spurs participates in the National Basketball Association and they play in the AT&T Center. The Spurs have won 4 NBA Championships since the franchise was founded in 1967. The Silver Starts participates in the Women’s National Basketball Association and they also play in the AT&T Center. The team has not won any national championships since the team was founded in 1997.

The Alamo

The Alamo site in San Antonio is the location of the Battle of the Alamo in the 1830s. The Battle of Alamo was the battle where Texans tried to defend against a force of 1,200 Centralist troops. Eventually, the Texans fell to the Centralist troops, but the battle exhibited courage and the ideal that sometimes sacrifices have to be made for liberty. Some important figures from this battle include Davie Crockett and Sam Houston, the leader of the Texan army. Over 2 million visitors visit the Alamo to learn more about the battle and the historic site.

San Antonio Travel Destinations

Historical Population of San Antonio

Over the course of the last few decades, the population of the city of San Antonio has steadily increased, except between the years 2009 and 2010.  In 1990, the population was slightly less than 1 million people and now the population has grown to almost 1.4 million.  The population was less than the population of Dallas until 1992 and then from 2000 to 2004.  Other than that, though, the population of San Antonio was greater.

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