Charlotte Population 2013

charlotte-population-2013Charlotte Population 2013

The current population of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina is estimated to be about 775,202, which is an increase of about 3.2% from the last record of the population. The city is the largest city in the state of North Carolina and the 17th largest city in the entire United States of America. Based on the total land area and the total population of the city, the population density of Charlotte is estimated to be about 2,457 people per square mile.

Demographics of Charlotte

About 8% of the population is under the age of 5 years, while about 9% of the population is 65 years and older. Also, about 51.7% of the population is female, while the other 48.3% of the population is male.

The largest racial demographic in the city of Charlotte is the white group, which makes up about 45% of the population. The next largest demographic is the Black or African American group, which is about 35% of the population. The Hispanic or Latino group makes up about 13% of the population. Lastly, the Asian population makes up about 5% of the population.

About 88% of the population, ages 25 years and older, has at least their high school degree. However, about 40% of the population, ages 25 years and older, has at least their bachelor’s degree from some college or university.

Religion in Charlotte

About 52% of the population of Charlotte identifies with a religious affiliation, compared to the national average of 49%. The largest religious affiliation is the Baptist Church, which makes up about 13% of the population. The next largest affiliation is the Roman Catholic Church, which makes up about 9% of the population. The Methodist population is about 8% of the total population.

Sports in Charlotte

There are two major professional sports teams based out of the city of Charlotte: Carolina Panthers and the Charlotte Bobcats. The Carolina Panthers participate in the National Football League and they play in the Bank of America Stadium. The Panthers have never won a Super Bowl Championship in the entire franchise history of the team. The Charlotte Bobcats participate in the National Basketball Association and they play in Time Warner Cable Arena. The Bobcats, founded in 2004, have never won a division title or an NBA Championship.

charlotte-population-nascarNASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte

The NASCAR Hall of Fame is located in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. The museum, which opened in 2010, focuses on the history and tradition of NASCAR. The Hall of Fame honors those members of NASCAR (drivers, crew, team members, and owners) that have contributed greatly to the sporting event. These members are honored in the Hall of Honor. There is also a Racing Simulator that allows the visitors to experience what it would be like to actually participate in a NASCAR race.

About Charlotte North Carolina

Historical Population of Charlotte

Over the course of the past few decades, the population of the city of Charlotte has been growing at a high and fast rate. The largest jump in population was from 1999 to 2000. Also, the population of Charlotte has been greater than the populations of both Atlanta and Raleigh.

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