Memphis Population 2013

memphis-population-2013Memphis Population 2013

The current population of the city of Memphis, Tennessee is estimated to be about 655,155, which is an increase of about 0.47% from the last record of the population. The city is the largest city in the state of Tennessee and also the largest city along the Mississippi River. It is also the 20th largest city in the entire United States of America. Based on the total land area and the total population of the city, the population density of Memphis is 2,022 people per square mile.

Demographics of Memphis

About 8% of the population of Memphis is under the age of 5 years, while about 10% of the population is 65 years and older. Also, approximately 52.5% of the population is female, while the other 47.5% of the population is male.

The largest racial demographic in the city of Memphis is the Black or African American group, which makes up about 63% of the population. The next largest demographic is the white group, which makes up about 28% of the population. The Hispanic or Latino demographic makes up only 7% of the population.

About 82% of the population, ages 25 years and older, have at least their high school degree. However, about 23% of the population, ages 25 years and older, has at least their bachelor’s degree from some college or university.

Religion in Memphis

About 63% of the population in Memphis identifies with a religious affiliation, compared to the national average of 49%. The largest affiliation by far is the Baptist Church, which makes up about 31% of the population. The next largest affiliation is the Roman Catholic Church, which makes up about 7% of the population. The Jewish population in the city is only slightly higher than the average city. About 0.9% of the population is Jewish, compared to the national average of 0.7%. Both the Methodist and Pentecostal Churches each make up 6% of the population.

Sports in Memphis

The only professional sports team in the city of Memphis is the Memphis Grizzlies. The Memphis Grizzlies participate in the National Basketball Association and they play in FedEx Forum. The Grizzlies have never won an NBA Championship. However, the city has a minor league baseball team for the St. Louis Cardinals. The Memphis Redbirds play AAA Baseball in the Pacific Coast League.

Discover Memphis

Historical Population of Memphis

The population of Memphis has gone through many different stages of population growth over the course of the past few decades.  The population has gone through periods of negative growth and then sharp positive growth and vise versa.  However, the population has been less than the population of San Antonio, but greater than the population of Oklahoma City.  The population of Oklahoma City is slowing closing in on the population of Memphis, though.

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